Friday, June 1, 2012

Catching up...

Hi Friends and Family,
I apologize for the blog silence, have had lots to write about, but not the focus to sit down and do it. Lots of things are up in the air at the moment. I'm still waiting on the official word that my contract will be renewed, my current renters are moving out at the end of July instead of Sept, so I have to find new renters. However, I can't sign any new leases till I have a contract. Luckily, thanks to Craigs List, I have a few very nice folks interested in house, but can't give tell anyone anything yet. So things are a bit stressful at the moment and there is too much stuff inhabiting my mental space.

But, it's not all bad! We've had some good highlights lately too. Last weekend we rented a car and took a few day trips. Went to Regensburg on Friday where James had a gig, stayed in our home away from home above the Harp (Thank you Ola). Drove to Straubing on the way home the next day. Straubing was one of James' old busking towns and he did actually do a pitch for old times's sake until some other band came along and drowned him out. Sunday we drove down to the Alps to Koenigsee, a lovely lake just a few kms outside of Berechtesgaden. Lovely lake, yes, but also huge tourist trap. But, me being me, I insisted we do the boat ride to the far end of the lake and do a short walk to Lake Obersee, thinking we'd get away from the rest of the tourists, but everyone had the same idea and it was just a hiker's traffic jam. Then, on the boat ride back to the Koenigsee village, as I was quietly dosing off, Ronan proceeded to sit straight up and puked up everywhere, christening his new Bayern Muenchen football strip as well. Luckily, the person in the bench across the way was a fast mover. We quickly turned Ronan around so he could finish throwing up out the window.  No problem, we quietly cleaned it up the mess using cleaning supplies stored under the bench. The boat crew were very understanding and nice about it all as were the rest of the passengers. Not sure I need to go to Koenigsee again. And if I do, definitely will skip the boat ride, but it was beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. The boat ride brings back memories of whale-watching when I was about Ronan's age. I got to know the ship's head quite well -- but didn't see a single whale! Schade!
    I'd love to chat. Our world is upside down these days, too. The rule of 3s, I've been told. Hope that means good luck is on our way -- yours too!
