Between recovering from the Christmas season, a job offer and major life decision to be made (more details later), I just haven't made it to my blog for a while. But here is an event that I just can't pass up describing.
This past weekend we have seen the coming and going of carnival season, or Fasching, as it is called here in Bavaria. I don't do Fasching much any more, probably has to do with too many Bratwurst breakfasts in Fischmarkt after all night drinking sessions during Fasching back in Regensburg, oh so many years ago. Anyway, one thing I never did participate in was Weiberfasching (Weib in German means woman). This takes place on the Thursday before the big Fasching or carnival weekend. All the ladies get dressed up and go out and party hearty until the rooster crows. Pubs usually have live music and other drink specials happening on the day, the women let loose and just about anything goes. You can always tell it's Weiberfasching in the workplace because men either wear their ugliest ties or no tie at all. You see, part of the fun of Weiberfasching, is that women get to cut men's ties at work (celebrated emasculation in the workplace, never in America). I always noticed this most at the bank. Well this year, it just had to be done, so my intrepid co-workers and I found three willing male volunteers to allow us to cut off their ties (we even provided the ties). Tradition is that it has to be done at 11:11 and the men are rewarded with a kiss, but we held our ceremony later in the day due to meetings and our brave volunteers got chocolate and coffee. This photo of course was taken at a very secret and undisclosed location...
After... (mike looks sad)
Thanks lads for being good sports and letting us take part in one of those strange and wonderful German traditions!
Awesome Hil! Thanks for sharing this oh-so-untypically German office tradition. Brian took an old tie to have it cut on one of our Weiberfaschingtags. Would have loved to do so myself, but I just didn't see all that many gents with ties at the Berlitz schools.